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LAX is the MOST confusing airport. Below is a guide to mastering its Ground Transport. 

LAX is always changing. The majority of traffic used to be mostly personal vehicles and taxis. However, there are alternative modes.



Ride Share


FlyAway Shuttle Icon.png

“Flyaway” 是从洛杉矶国际机场到洛杉矶市中心和圣费尔南多谷的快速可靠的巴士。它有自己的车道以确保快速旅行。




With the new K Line opening nearby (not completly finished yet), Metro and its buses are getting more useful. Learn about its ajacent lines and tips you would only get from a local. Click to l more

还想开车? 不用担心! 了解从替代道路到秘密下车地点的一切。 只需点击这里!

Ground Transportation

Located outside of Terminal in Arrivals

At the airport, most ground transport options are located outside of the terminal at the arrivals level. On the inner curb, you will find buses such as the Flyaway, LAX Terminal Connector, LAX-IT Shuttle, and more. On the outer curb, you can find private car pickups or shared ride vans that go to a variety of places around Los Angeles. The only shuttle that can be found on the departure level (Level 2) is the hotel shuttle.

I want...

A rental car is essential if traveling to a friend on the outskirts of the San Bernardino Mountains or simply taking a fun drive down Interstate 405. 

To access, head to the ARRIVALS level (Level 1) and exit the terminal. Outside, head to the outer curb (where personal cars are) and look for the purple signs and columns.

* LAX finishes its new train and consolidated rental car facility next year, making this obsolete soon.

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Rental Car
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